- textfiles.com/directory.html
- iruka459.web.fc2.com
- superbad.com
- back.spc.org
- bak.spc.org clearday ultraluxe
- The Dark Side of The Heart Geocities
- rutracker.wiki (russian)
- The Useless Web
- StumblingOn
- Jumpstick
- GimmeSerendipity!
surfing the net! dig as deep as you can! *< :o]
random site generators
- Pterosaur!!!
Educational!!! Learn something new!!!
- Cyberia Life in the Trenches of Hyperspace By Douglas Rushkoff
- Chapter 1 The Net and Netizens: The Impact the Net has on People’s Lives by Michael Hauben
- drawing garden
- binary piano
- everyday im hustlin
- rrrgggbbb
musical sites
- checkbox game!
- checkbox race
- long doge challenge
- daily maze
- optical illusions
fun little games on the web to kill time
- thats the finger
- eel slap!
- smash the walls!!
- bury me with my money
- (flash warning) dancing worm
- dots?
- endless horses
some of my fav useless sites!
- www.imood.com
- sadgrl.online
- melonland.net
- melonking.net
- sanjirops
- cyberdragon.digital
- cinni.net
some of my fav sites I have yet to sort